Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 10 and 11 Visalia - Grammy Joy's hometown

Oh how we wish we had taken more photos these two days!
We arrived in the middle of a freak storm, so booked a cabin at the KOA campground instead of tenting in the rain - but as soon as we had unpacked, the sun came out and shone beautifully for the rest of our stay.

 Grammy Joy had organised for her sister Sharon and her husband Mike to meet us and give us a tour of their very successful farm.  They did so much more!  They welcomed us as friends, took us out to lunch and gave generously of their time to give us all hope and inspiration for our own farming dreams!
We can't thank you enough, Mike and Sharon.
But, we were so enthralled, we completely forgot about the camera - so no photos of our new friends or their wonderful farm.  We saw orange groves, almonds, walnuts, wheat, much.  The land is irrigated and the above channel is just a sample of the abundance of water in the area.

 Mike had also organised for his sister, Kelly and her husband, Byron to meet us and show us their farm.  What a blessing this beautiful Christian couple were to us!  After a fast-paced, fast-talking tour, Kelly reminded Byron that it would be a good idea to eat!  So they took us to a wonderful Italian restaurant where we talked on for another 3 hours!
 Next morning, Byron and Kelly gave us a fun guided tour of these amazing murals in nearby Exeter.  Each mural depicts a scene from local history and culture.  We were all impressed - especially Hamish!

Kelly Fox with Garion.
Mike - he asked Bryce to stay, since the Foxes only have girls!
Bryce told us later he would have said yes if he knew when he could come back again - and if a brother could stay with him!
Bryce still maintains THIS was the best day in the USA!
Thanks Mike and Sharon and Byron and Kelly.

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